Program for sales invoices and follow-up representatives

It is considered an essential part of the components of the integrated DOTS account software system to manage sales and distribution operations, and it also works in both Arabic and English, and the application provides a set of important advantages to its delegate users, such as creating sales invoices, managing forward collections, returns, and other daily basic operations that the sales representative performs. The application allows supervisors and sales managers the ability to know the daily movements of the delegate, moment by moment, as soon as they occur on the interface of the supervisors, as well as printing the daily end report for the representative to review the volume and value of sales and collections during the day. The most important characteristic of the sales application is the ease of use and speed in completing movements to save time, effort and speed of linking with the subsystems.

The Dotts Sales application for Sales works in a completely interconnected system, with warehouse, sales and accounts systems as an integral part of the system. This allows you to track the sales of delegates or directly as soon as the invoice is registered, and the representative can work on the application completely in cases of internet interruption. Provided that the data is synchronized with the central database as soon as the internet is available on the delegate's mobile.
The sales representative can issue a sales invoice to the customer in cash or on hold and print the invoice automatically once the sale process is completed. In the case of a deferred sale, the representative can collect part of the bill in cash or through the network The billing screen also supports a barcode reading system to facilitate the sales process to the delegate.
In the event that the journal is not closed yet, it is possible to amend the sales and returns invoices until the invoices are posted and the journal is closed, after which no amendment can be made.
Just as it is possible to deal with cash sales invoices, post-dated bills can also be followed up and printed automatically once the sale is completed, with the possibility of collecting the debts of each customer on the due date of the amount and printing a bond for that, and this is called the Cash Collection.
Program for sales invoices and follow-up representatives
Stock account statementStock account statement
Stock account statement

When adding any item or quantity that can be worked on on the application, and vice versa when making any sales invoice or returned from the application, this appears in the warehouse program.

Delayed bills for clientsDelayed bills for clients
Delayed bills for clients

Issuing a sale invoice to the customer in cash or postponement and printing the invoice automatically as soon as the sale process is completed. In the case of a delay sale, the representative can collect part of the invoice in cash

Alerts for customer order paymentAlerts for customer order payment
Alerts for customer order payment

The program sends notifications and alerts on the control panel to each of the sales employee or administrative sales staff that there are time bills that must be collected at the time allocated for payment,

Managing clients and the delegates responsible for themManaging clients and the delegates responsible for them
Managing clients and the delegates responsible for them

It works to facilitate and organize a plan for delegates regarding distribution work, with the planned organization of their tasks, customer visits and evaluation, in a systematic manner, and the application gives notifications of payment dates, movements and amounts due, away from randomness in distributing the product, which has a negative impact in the medium and long term.

Issuing an electronic invoice from the representative's accountIssuing an electronic invoice from the representative's account
Issuing an electronic invoice from the representative's account

Adding orders and customer needs and their dates and converting orders into invoices with the ability to record the available quantities in the customer’s inventory and then issuing cash and deferred sales invoices according to customers ’credit limits and printing them in different forms and languages with a statement of the payment position for each sales invoice and knowing the age of the debt for each sale transaction

Processing invoices in warehouses for delegatesProcessing invoices in warehouses for delegates
Processing invoices in warehouses for delegates

When creating an invoice through a sales employee, it is possible to send it to the stores for processing, and when the representative arrives, it is delivered to her in the store, and with this, a large time has been shortened between the sales employee and the warehouse official and the problems of the shortage in the stores because the reservation is momentous in the store

A customer account statement through the applicationA customer account statement through the application
A customer account statement through the application

Obtaining the issuance of an account statement for the client through the application from a credit or debit balance and withdrawals within 30 days

Follow-up callers and get to know their routeFollow-up callers and get to know their route
Follow-up callers and get to know their route

Track the routes of delegates wherever they are moment by moment through the GPS location tracking feature, and you can also review the entire route during the day. This gives you an accurate control tool for your team.

Report on the sale and collection of delegates, issued and imported storesReport on the sale and collection of delegates, issued and imported stores
Report on the sale and collection of delegates, issued and imported stores

We have built an integrated control unit that gives system administrators various performance indicators and enables them to follow up on work and review various reports.

Why ThisProgram

Official institutionOfficial institution
Official institution
Team work experienceTeam work experience
Team work experience
Continuous ImprovementContinuous Improvement
Continuous Improvement
Network security and stabilityNetwork security and stability
Network security and stability
After-sales serviceAfter-sales service
After-sales service
competitive pricescompetitive prices
competitive prices

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